Friday, May 8, 2009

Doulos Girls Groups. It's time to get serious.

Girls, some of you are ready for this. You know there's more to this "following Jesus" thing than you're living out right now. There is more that He has for us, and also more that He requires of us: more commitment, more obedience, more love.... The summer offers a rare opportunity to put greater time, effort, and discipline into your relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to challenge you to grow with us as we let God transform us into bond-slaves of Jesus Christ.
Being part of a Doulos group will mean committing to an intense summer of discipleship. Students participating will be expected to spend some very purposeful, guided time alone with God each day of the summer. This will be the true catalyst for change in each of our lives, as we “diligently seek” after God and invite Him to “sanctify us by the truth.” The groups will also examine weekly what Jesus requires of those who follow Him, and challenge each other towards real obedience and growth in those areas. The goal will be transformation into disciples whose lives truly please Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that we, leaders and students alike, will never be the same.
Are you in??
“…a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ…” (James 1:1)
P.S. - Pick up applications in the Student Center. :)